October 21, 2012

Little Black Dress (LBD)


As many of you know, October is the month for Breast Cancer Awareness. There are many ways to support this month; giving donations at local markets, participating in the national walks, or purchasing anything affiliated with Breast Cancer. I decided to show my support by attending a fabulous night of fashion for a fabulous cause! The Celebration of life Breast Cancer Awareness fashion show not only celebrated the life of women who survived the disease, but the ticket that was purchased to enter is going toward finding a cure. I had the honor of listening to different women share their stories with such pride and dignity. I kept thinking to myself, wow now that's what you call strong! This is the lovely number I wore last night to the show, take a look!

Lace Dress Steps (similar here), Necklace (gift from a good friend), Clutch (Forever21) Stockings (Walmart), Pumps (Steve Madden)

I loved this dress choice for the fashion show in particular because, black is always chic and that was definitely the look I was going for. Lace itself is very sexy and my entire dress was lace, so to tone it down I wore sheer stockings. The gorgeous jewelry piece that I'm wearing is a gift from a dear friend of mine, which I thought would go perfect with this dress! I decided to wear nude pumps with my look to bring out the pearls in my necklace and the clutch was a matching pair to my shoes! Of course, I had to play it up with a red lip, and for my eyes a simple cat eye. Other great ways to have worn this look would be to wear red pumps without the necklace, as well as a pair of black pointy heels with an oxblood lip. Check out photos below of highlights from my night.
My best friend Paige & sister Cassandra

Male model
More models (:
 My friend Marques who was also a model for the show
One of the designers for the show, who was also kind enough to give me great career advice!
A little taste of fashion from the show! Peep the guy out with the camel suit on though!

Thanks for checking my blog out! Feel free to leave a comment to tell me what you think about my look!


  1. The LBD looks great. I like the dress with lace decoration.

  2. Love a Sista in hosiery and heels fashion. You can sting me ;).


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